Women's Health
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Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
As you age, your natural reproductive hormones, progesterone and estrogen begin to decline as your body stops making them. This leads to the development of menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, chronic vaginal itching and burning, low sex drive, or mood swings. If these symptoms become severe or intolerable, you may need hormone replacement therapy for symptom relief.
Hormone replacement therapy or HRT is a drug treatment that externally administers the depleted female hormones, i.e., progesterone or estrogen, to relieve the symptoms of menopause. You can be the right candidate for HRT if you are healthy and experience early, moderate to severe menopausal symptoms or have estrogen deficiency.
Benefits Of Hormone Replacement Therapy:
- It reduces the risks of osteoporosis and bone fractures.
- It improves overall mood and mental well-being.
- HRT can help improve the quality of life.
- It helps in relieving hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.
- It helps enhance sexual relations.
- It helps in improving sleep.
- It can help protect cognitive functions and reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Oral Contraceptive Treatment
If you don’t want pregnancy or want to plan it in a bit later stages of your life, we are here to provide a specialized oral contraceptive treatment according to your needs and health condition. An oral contraceptive treatment is the administration of certain medications containing female hormones, mainly estrogen and progestins, that helps in preventing pregnancy. Oral contraceptive treatment blocks the release of eggs from your ovaries which inhibits pregnancy from occurring. It is a safe, effective, simple, and convenient way to prevent pregnancy.
The treatment also offers other benefits, including:
- It helps in easing menstrual cramps and makes your periods lighter.
- It helps in reducing the risk of certain reproductive cancers.
- It helps in decreasing pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity.
Depo Shot Treatment
Depo shot treatment is a type of birth control or contraceptive injection administered every 3 months for the purpose of helping in pregnancy prevention. The shot contains a man-made progesterone hormone which inhibits the release of eggs from ovaries to prevent pregnancy. It also prevents the sperm from reaching your egg by thickening cervical mucus. Depo shot treatment can be used if you want to avoid taking oral contraceptive pills every day or don’t need or prefer avoiding estrogen hormone as the injection doesn’t contain estrogen and is administered every 3 months. You may not be the right candidate for depo shot treatment if you have a history of depression, heart attack, stroke, liver disease, sensitivity to depo shot ingredients, breast cancer, or unexplained vaginal bleeding.
Depo shot treatment offers the following benefits:
- It doesn’t require daily administration.
- It reduces menstrual pain and cramps.
- It doesn’t contain estrogen, so if you prefer preventing pregnancy without taking estrogen,
- it can be an ideal option.
- It reduces the risk of endometrial cancers.